Is variety the spice of working life?

A team of researchers at The University of Queensland are looking for participants to explore the benefits and consequences of task variety in the workplace.
12 January 2018

Lost in translation: What does no net loss mean?

No net loss – a buzz phrase in environmental policy – is an approach that aims to neutralise negative environmental impacts from human activities.
12 January 2018

Turkey-sized dinosaur discovered in ancient log-jam

A dinosaur species discovered a decade ago in south-eastern Australia is giving fresh insight into the diversity of dinosaurs that inhabited the Australian-Antarctic rift
11 January 2018

Living out of town can be a big disadvantage

Easy access to services, institutions and economic opportunities can separate thriving communities from others that are left behind socially and economically.
11 January 2018

Australia’s first Robert Smithson exhibition announced

An exhibition dedicated to the short life of prolific American artist Robert Smithson – widely recognised as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century
10 January 2018

It’s official: employers value UQ graduates

UQ graduates have garnered some of the highest levels of employer satisfaction in Australia.
8 January 2018

General anaesthetics do more than put you to sleep

A new understanding of the complex ways in which general anaesthetics act on the brain could eventually lead to improved drugs for surgery.
10 January 2018

Flea now: parasites from domestic pets affecting wildlife world wide

Fleas from domestic pets are infesting native wildlife and feral animals in all continents except Antarctica, a new study reveals.
8 January 2018

Supercharged antibiotics could turn tide against superbugs

An old drug supercharged by UQ researchers has emerged as a new antibiotic that could destroy some of the world’s most dangerous superbugs.
5 January 2018

Portable 3D brain-scanner set to save lives

A new portable, non-invasive brain scanner is set to speed-up the diagnosis of brain injuries and stroke types by creating an immediate 3D image of the brain.
2 January 2018
