UQ alumni set for Winter Olympics

University of Queensland alumni Pita Taufatofua and Jaclyn Narracott will compete this week at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.
13 February 2018

Young innovator is UQ’s first Chief Student Entrepreneur

The University of Queensland has appointed a Chief Student Entrepreneur to inspire and mentor young innovators.
13 February 2018

Sign up to campus safety

UQ is encouraging new and returning students and staff to sign up to the SafeZone smart phone app designed to improve safety and security across all campuses.
12 February 2018

UQ rolls out the welcome mat for students

The University of Queensland welcomes more than 10,000 new undergraduate and postgraduate students this week to #UQLife – a fun-filled four-week program of orientation ac
12 February 2018

UQ’s Triple P program shows families have the power to transform society

Policy makers, practitioners and researchers can now draw on parenting interventions that have changed the lives of millions of families across the globe in a single refe
7 February 2018

Scientists discover off-switch for ‘molecular machine’ active in many diseases

A discovery by Queensland scientists could be the key to stopping damage caused by uncontrolled inflammation in a range of common diseases including liver disease, Alzhei
7 February 2018

Saving horses from scary hairy caterpillars

University of Queensland experts are set to help thoroughbred horse breeders combat a hairy caterpillar threat that causes abortion in mares and costs the Australian raci
2 February 2018

Treating sleep apnoea could reduce dementia risk

Inadequate oxygen levels during sleep can damage the brain and increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, University of Queensland researchers have found.
1 February 2018

Social isolation health message fails to cut through

Social isolation has been shown to pose a greater health threat than smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise – but that message is failing to get through to the community
5 February 2018

IMB Director appointed to advisory group for Australian Brain Cancer Mission

A University of Queensland scientist will help steer a national initiative striving to double brain cancer survival rates over the next decade.
31 January 2018
