Non-addictive analgesic research agreement announced

Research to develop non-addictive analgesics that could potentially be used as alternatives to addictive opioid drugs such as codeine will be undertaken by UQ under an ag
31 January 2018

New treatment offers hope for better stroke recovery

Eating food from only the right side of the plate, shaving or applying make-up to only one side of the face, and running into objects on the left are common traits post s
31 January 2018

Destruction of Queensland’s threatened forests gathers pace

Laws intended to protect Queensland’s most-threatened forests are failing, with the most vulnerable forests falling even faster than other forests.
29 January 2018

‘Forgotten’ antibiotic offers hope against worst superbugs

An antibiotic overlooked since its discovery 40 years ago could help develop new drugs against life-threatening infections caused by some of the world’s most dangerous su
26 January 2018

Rare Australian rodents under attack from all sides

The continued survival of one of Australia’s rarest rodents, the water mouse, could hinge on significantly increasing the size of development buffer zones around their ha
25 January 2018

Egg-ceptional effort to rescue baby turtles

Fifteen eastern longneck turtle hatchlings have a fighting chance at life after they were rescued and incubated as eggs by veterinary technician at The University of Quee
24 January 2018

Poverty is not a life sentence

Researchers say almost half of Australian families tracked in a 30-year study have experienced poverty at least once.
24 January 2018

Tiny crystals could help predict volcanic eruptions

They can be as small as a grain of salt, but tiny crystals that form deep in volcanoes may be the key for advance warnings before volcanic eruptions.
23 January 2018

UQ student whisking stiff peaks

The ovens are preheated and a fresh batch of Australia’s best amateur bakers is ready to knead the dough – with one of The University of Queensland’s own rising to the he
23 January 2018

From northern billabongs – a new future for rice

Wild rice growing in northern Australia’s crocodile-infested waters could help boost global food security, say University of Queensland researchers who have mapped its ge
23 January 2018
