Two in one: human placenta stem cells hold a dual benefit

Scientists have discovered a new type of stem cell which has the potential to perform two functions at the same time, meaning better treatment or even cures for many dise
23 February 2018

Bolting birds help reveal dinosaur gait

Research into how modern birds run and walk is taking an international team of palaeontologists and biomechanics experts a step closer to accurately reconstructing the wa
22 February 2018

Sharks are jaw-some

They’re at the top of the food chain, they can cure cancer, and they’re out to eat us – or maybe not.
21 February 2018

Venom research could yield gastrointestinal disease treatment

Therapeutics inspired by venoms could provide the key to treatment for a common gastrointestinal disease if a collaboration between researchers from The University of Que
20 February 2018

UQ women to lead and learn on Antarctica voyage

Five University of Queensland researchers have joined the largest all-female expedition to Antarctica, the culmination of a year-long program to promote the influence and
20 February 2018

Research aims to fine-tune sepsis diagnosis

Work designed to improve diagnosis of one of the leading causes of death in children is under way in Brisbane, led by a University of Queensland researcher.
20 February 2018

Scholarship helps budding neuroscientist reach potential

An aspiring neuroscientist awarded a Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship will undertake pioneering research into the molecular basis of cognitive ability.
19 February 2018

Cracking the genetic code for complex traits in cattle

A massive global study involving 58,000 cattle has pinpointed the genes that influence the complex genetic trait of height in cattle, opening the door for researchers to
20 February 2018

Researchers discover link between gut and type 1 diabetes

Scientists have found that targeting micro-organisms in the gut, known as microbiota, could have the potential to help prevent type 1 diabetes.
19 February 2018

Problems with herbicide-resistant weeds become crystal clear

Herbicide-resistant weeds are threatening food security, but University of Queensland researchers are one step closer to a solution after a new discovery.
16 February 2018
