Degrading coral reefs bad news for commercial fishing

The degradation of coral reefs might have short-term benefits for some fish groups, but would be bad for fisheries long-term, according to a University of Queensland-led
22 December 2017

Can ‘sleeping’ while you’re awake boost brain function?

Mimicking sleep processes in the awake brain of elderly people could prevent age-related decline in brain function.
3 January 2018

Space age plant breeding lights the way for future crops

NASA experiments to grow wheat in space were the inspiration for University of Queensland scientists to develop the world’s first ‘speed breeding’ procedures here on plan
2 January 2018

Students get down to business in Tel Aviv

Student entrepreneurs from The University of Queensland’s Idea Hub are taking on Tel Aviv’s world-leading start-up scene in the exclusive UQ Startup Adventures.
21 December 2017

How much potassium is too much?

An international collaboration to investigate why and how potassium can help lower blood pressure will be trialled at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.
8 January 2018

White noise tunes into learning potential

Listening to white noise can increase your ability to learn new words, a study by The University of Queensland has revealed.
21 December 2017

Boosting resilience to be ready for MS

A resilience training program to improve the quality of life for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) has been developed by University of Queensland researchers.
20 December 2017

Making complex subjects compelling nets UQ teachers top awards

From economics to hypersonics, teachers at The University of Queensland are finding award-winning ways to teach students complex subjects.
19 December 2017

Dengue ‘Achilles heel’ insight offers hope for better vaccines

Researchers have new insights into how protective antibodies attack dengue viruses, which could lead to more effective dengue fever vaccines and drug therapies.
19 December 2017

Students have choice of new programs in 2018

As Queensland students anxiously await their OP results tomorrow, The University of Queensland is offering a range of new undergraduate and postgraduate study options in
15 December 2017
