Event Details

Thursday, 25 November 2021
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
GOMA, Cinema A, Stanley Place, South Brisbane
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Miss Sophie Rutledge
Org. Unit:
Communication and Arts

Event Description

Full Description:
According to Credit Suisse, Australia is the world’s most prosperous country. Why then, are some communities mired in poverty?

“Those who have a go, will get a go,” says Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Australia has always presented itself as a place that rewards hard work, but critics have derided the Prime Minister’s statement as implying that if you are poor, you haven’t worked hard enough; and as perpetuating the notion that if you are living off social security, you are bludging on the sweat of others. To what extent is this true? Is Australia a land of equal opportunity, or is your individual prosperity largely predetermined by your place of birth and your parents’ income? In a world of increasing austerity where social services are under growing pressure, it is urgent that we re-examine the responsibility of the state towards its most disadvantaged citizens.

Join UNESCO Chair in Journalism and Communication, Professor Peter Greste, and a panel of leading experts for a thought-provoking discussion on 'Poverty and inequality in an age of prosperity.'

Cost: $30 per person, includes drinks and canapes

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