Event Details

Wednesday, 09 June 2021 - Wednesday, 09 June 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
UQCCR Auditorium or zoom (https://uqz.zoom.us/j/87198801358)
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Event Contact

Julie Wixey
Org. Unit:
UQ Centre for Clinical Research

Event Description

Full Description:
Controlling stem cell quiescence for therapeutic gain in cognitive disorders and brain malignancies - Lachlan Harris

Lachlan will discuss unpublished work highlighting how the transcription factor Ascl1 and a novel regulator of quiescence, Mycn, control distinct molecular programs during stem cell activation. He will highlight his future work that focuses on the therapeutic potential of controlling stem cell quiescence. These studies will include identifying how cancer stem cells in glioblastoma adopt a quiescent state to resist chemotherapy, and whether these cells can be eradicated by targeting quiescent pathways.

A nanomedicine approach to treat brain metastases from breast cancers - Malcom Lim

Brain metastasis from breast cancer is a fatal complication associated with severe morbidity. The current treatments using radiotherapy and neurosurgery can prolong life, but the responses are not durable. Chemotherapies have mediocre effects when administered as single agents and inflict adverse toxicities that reduce quality of life.

About UQ Centre for Clinical Research Seminars
The UQ Centre of Clinical Research (CCR) Seminars are held fortnightly on Wednesdays from 12pm - 1pm (except during school holidays) in the CCR Auditorium, Herston. The series features topics in the field of research, presented by invited international, interstate and local researchers.

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