Event Details

Wednesday, 26 May 2021 - Wednesday, 26 May 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
UQCCR Auditorium or zoom (https://uqz.zoom.us/j/87198801358)
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Event Contact

Julie Wixey
Org. Unit:
UQ Centre for Clinical Research

Event Description

Full Description:
UQCCR Seminar Series - 26 May 2021: Post stroke cognition: A Neuropsychology approach to screening and cognitive trajectories with Andrew Bowskill - MTPConnect

MTPConnect was formed in 2015 as part of the Federal Government’s Industry Growth Centre Initiative. It is a not-for-profit organisation working to accelerate the rate of growth of the medtech, biotech and pharmaceutical sector in Australia. MTPConnect raises awareness, fosters collaboration and competition, aggregates existing knowledge and shares it with the broader sector. It also jointly funds projects that address sector priorities and the constraints and gaps identified in the sector. MTPConnect administers several programs for the MRFF, and this presentation will discuss in more detail one of them, the Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry or REDI program, an integrated, three-pillar plan that leverages the expertise of MTPConnect’s research, training and industry partners to drive skills development and workforce training. REDI administers the REDI Fellowship program which promotes academia: industry collaboration with up to 40 Fellowships to be awarded in the next 18 months.

About the speaker

Andrew Bowskill is the Director of Stakeholder Engagement for Queensland based at the Translational Research Institute (TRI). Prior to this he was Manager of Industry and Regulatory Policy at Medicines Australia, where he engaged with a broad cross section of stakeholders including consumer groups, companies, peak bodies and Commonwealth and State officials. Andrew has a deep understanding of MTP industry and regulatory policy including R&D policy, intellectual property, trade agreements and biosimilars. Andrew has a Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Otago and has held a number of community and hospital pharmacy roles in both New Zealand and Australia, including at the Mater Hospital in South Brisbane.

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