A ground-breaking multi-nation study has shown that breeding strong tick resistance into all cattle breeds is feasible, indicating that cattle tick may be much more effectively managed, or even eradicated.
Using technology familiar to computer gamers, University of Queensland scientists are creating ‘digital twins’ of mango and macadamia orchards to help boost food production.
Harvesting plants that can absorb metal from the ground may offer a sustainable solution for mining and rehabilitation according to research underway at The University of Queensland.
Australia’s largest flying reptile has been uncovered, a pterosaur with an estimated seven-metre wingspan that soared like a dragon above the ancient, vast inland sea once covering much of outback Queensland.
From eco-tourism hotels in Slovenia to luxury chains in Australia, a UQ Business School researcher is working with operators to change the way tourism tackles sustainability, while making it fun for guests.
By uprooting carbon trapped in soil, wild pigs are releasing around 4.9 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide annually across the globe, the equivalent of 1.1 million cars.
When Dr Chris Greig was approached by Princeton University to help conduct a world-leading study into achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, he had no idea of how impactful his work would become.