Plugging into pain: ant toxin causes electrical sting

UQ researchers have uncovered the workings of ant venom by measuring electric currents through individual channels in cells to understand how it causes pain.

17 October 2024
An image of an Australian green-head ant.

Do the traits we value in a partner predict who we pursue?

UQ research has found the traits people value in a romantic partner can influence their dating choices.

15 October 2024
A man and a woman on a date, the woman holding a drink

The University of Queensland has secured an internationally significant partnership with the Japanese Government that will boost research and innovation around commercial production of sustainable biofuels.

5 July 2023
a person in a blue shirt clutches their abdomen which is highlighted with a red light

University of Queensland researchers have used genetics to reveal that much of the risk of developing a common and sometimes fatal intestinal disease is inherited.

5 July 2023
Colourful text on a black background that reads - 50+ Indigenous people changing the world.

Six University of Queensland staff members are featured on a national NAIDOC Week list of 52 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are changing the world.

4 July 2023

Four University of Queensland researchers have been awarded more than $12.8 million through the Australian Research Council (ARC) prestigious Australian Laureate Fellowships.

4 July 2023
Two hands, each holding half a passionfruit. One half has the pulp facing the camera

A new breeding strategy to reboot Australia’s passionfruit industry is being led by researchers at The University of Queensland.

4 July 2023

Exploding populations of wild pigs and macaque monkeys in Southeast Asia are threatening native forests and disease outbreaks in livestock and people, according to research led by The University of Queensland.

30 June 2023
An image from a microscope showing four orange coloured cone-shaped snail shells, each measuring around 1.5mm.

UQ researchers have reared deadly cone snails in a laboratory aquarium for the first time, uncovering a potential treasure trove of new venoms for drug development.

29 June 2023
A saltwater crocodile resting on a river bank, it's scales blending into the surrounding environment

A UQ-developed vaccine will protect farmed saltwater crocodiles from West Nile virus, providing economic and biodiversity benefits to northern Australia.

29 June 2023
Students walking on the grass in the Great Court

The University of Queensland has jumped seven places to be ranked 43 in the world in QS World University Rankings 2024.

28 June 2023
A researcher recording data

A $13.7 million project to unlock digital health data on debilitating diseases could reduce hospitalisations, tackle complications and cut health costs.

28 June 2023
a person with black hair wearing a yellow top and pale blue headphones sits at a desk with a laptop and open books

University of Queensland research into the impact of listening to music while studying has been so positive it is now a practical short course offered to all undergraduate students.

28 June 2023