A digital screenshot of a gallery space designed by the Ortelia program

A University of Queensland founded startup that builds exhibition design software for art galleries, museums and theatres has been acquired by Swiss company Culture Software Group.

23 April 2024
Sugarcane crop with trees and house in background under blue sky.

Researchers have unravelled the mystery of sugarcane genetics, finding the crop’s genome is three times the size of the human genome and more complex.

28 March 2024
Large cattle grazing in a grassy field

University of Queensland researchers say mRNA vaccine technology could play an important role in boosting livestock production to meet global food demands.

22 March 2024
an intensive care ward in a hospital with monitoring screens and staff in blue gowns

University of Queensland researchers have used dosing software to accelerate the effects of antibiotics in patients being treated for sepsis in Intensive Care Units.

18 March 2024
 A man stands in a grassy field with rows of solar panels behind him.

A tech start-up from UQ is set to make efficiencies in the renewable energy sector by detecting faults in solar farm panels.

20 February 2024
Two milky drinks with straws sit on a table in front of a green park with many people

A three-year project led by UQ and the tourism industry has delivered a roadmap to help one of the state’s most important sectors develop resilience and recover from disaster.

5 February 2024
A graphic showing a space background with colourful rings.

An international project mapping millions of galaxies has provided a ‘tantalising’ insight into the mysteries of dark energy and could reshape our understanding of the history of the Universe, according to a leading UQ astrophysicist.

9 January 2024
A sketch showing a polluted environment on one side merging to a greener city on the right.

A UQ-led industry survey has found Australian architects are worried about the climate crisis and frustrated by barriers to action but are confident the profession can contribute to a sustainable future.

30 November 2023
Six scientists using equipment at a desk in a laboratory

The University of Queensland’s re-engineered clamp platform has produced a vaccine that is equally safe and virus-neutralising as an approved vaccine considered among the best in its class.

23 November 2023
A male scientist working in a laboraty

The University of Queensland’s small molecule drug discovery facility will open its doors to researchers from across Australia for the first time thanks to a National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) funding injection.

31 October 2023
A person in a blue button-down shirt is pulling apart a toasted cheese sandwich, with strings of melted cheese between the two sides.

Next-generation milk, cheese and yoghurt ingredients produced using precision fermentation will be among the first developed by Australia’s Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA).

12 October 2023
An Indigenous basketball player wearing an Australian uniform holds a basketball and prepares to shoot. There is a teammate and a stadium crowd in the background.

UQ researchers have partnered with NBA champion Patty Mills’ not-for-profit organisation to boost sporting, educational and cultural pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young peoples.

6 October 2023
two hands holding some brown soil in which there are fat white grubs

Insect-specific viruses are being investigated to protect Australia’s $4 billion sugar industry in a research project at The University of Queensland.

21 September 2023
A white camera-looking object with two antennas sits above fast flowing brown water with bushland in the background.

A tool developed by UQ researchers that measures floodwater depth and velocity will be sold globally after it was licensed to a US-based company.

13 September 2023
Two people wearing lab coats looking down into a round metal furnace

A custom-built furnace that can heat materials to almost 3000 degrees Celsius has been installed at The University of Queensland to build components for Australia’s burgeoning space industry.

8 September 2023