A digital illustration of a digestive system with a person standing behind it

Researchers have isolated five strains of gut bacteria that could pave the way for new inflammatory bowel disease treatments and potentially help prevent some forms of bowel cancer.

5 July 2022
A humpback whale breaches out of the ocean

A University of Queensland-led study has found humpback whales can learn incredibly complex songs from whales from other regions.

1 July 2022
Dozens of small bees flying toward the entrance to their hive.

Scientists at the University of Queensland are buzzing about a new citizen science project investigating some of Australia’s native bee species in our own backyards.

28 June 2022
Family in refugee camp in Sudan

University of Queensland researcher Nyakuoy Yak started life on the run from armed soldiers in Sudan.

20 June 2022
An Eastern Brown Snake

Some of the world’s deadliest snakes could soon be saving lives, with research from The University of Queensland showing venom could be used to stop uncontrolled bleeding.

20 June 2022
A woman in a white top reclines on a couch, resting a blue coffee cup on her pregnant stomach

University of Queensland researchers have found enjoying a daily latte or long black causes no increased risk to pregnancy.

14 June 2022
Several worms crawl over a block of polystyrene, some of them munching into it

A species of worm with an appetite for polystyrene could be the key to plastic recycling on a mass scale.

10 June 2022
Nine year-old sepsis survivor Mia Wilkinson sitting on slide with mother Amy. Supplied.

A clinical study examining new ways of treating children with sepsis - using vitamin C and steroids alongside antibiotics - could save children’s lives around the world.

9 June 2022
A group of people stand in shallow water being taught how to colour match coral

Volunteer-collected data on coral bleaching has been credited with supporting scientific findings about reef health across the globe.

9 June 2022
A glowing blue digital representation of an old-fashioned switch

University of Queensland scientists have cracked a problem that’s frustrated chemists and physicists for years, potentially leading to a new age of powerful, efficient, and environmentally friendly technologies.

9 June 2022
Red panda in a tree

The much-loved red panda is renowned for its tree-climbing ability and adorable nature, but new research shows the endangered mammal is being driven closer to extinction.

6 June 2022
A graphic of human kidneys, with one inflamed.

A University of Queensland-led study has found millions of COVID-19 patients may have undiagnosed acute kidney injury (AKI).

3 June 2022
A pick lying on black rock

Studying ancient ocean floors could help discover minerals needed to produce electric cars and solar panels.

3 June 2022
Sleep coaches Jamie Dunne and Karen Chong and Cultural Advisor Roslyn Von Senden hold up monitoring watches

Young Indigenous people in Mt Isa will be taught about the mental health benefits of a good night’s sleep as part of a nation-leading program developed by The University of Queensland.

2 June 2022
Man looking at himself in the mirror at a gym

Research from The University of Queensland has found people lifting weights for aesthetic reasons run the risk of developing muscle dysmorphia.

1 June 2022