A scrapped computer board

Melting metals from scrapped electronic devices are among solutions for the sustainable supply of critical materials being investigated by University of Queensland researchers.

1 July 2019
Southbank's Rain Bank in Brisbane

Researchers from The University of Queensland have helped to develop a four-point plan to create more sustainable, liveable, prosperous and resilient cities.

27 March 2019
Copper will be crucial in a renewable-powered future, but global supplies are far from guaranteed

Researchers have identified a matrix of risks that the mining industry must overcome to unlock vitally important copper reserves.

6 March 2019
Physicists have created a new technique to make the observation of quantum movement much easier

When scientists examine very small and swift objects they see the laws of physics working wildly differently than in the everyday “normal-sized” world.

27 February 2019

Development of a mineral gel technology that will provide effective, low cost, rapid management of toxic red mud from alumina refineries has received a major financial boost.

20 November 2018
Jacaranda trees bloom in front of a sandstone UQ building.

The University of Queensland has climbed another place in the 2019 QS Graduate Employability Rankings, to be number 48 in the world.

12 September 2018
Newcrest Mining Ltd Executive General Manager Public Affairs and Social Performance Ian Kemish, and UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj

The University of Queensland and Newcrest Mining Limited have signed a partnership agreement that paves the way for long-term education, training and research activities.

30 August 2018
UQ hydrometallurgists Dr James Vaughan

With rising sales of electric cars, a new company developing more efficient production of essential battery materials is raising funds to build a demonstration plant.

9 July 2018
NIF Facility Fellow Dr Karine Mardon with the Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) hosted at the Centre for Advanced Imaging.

University of Queensland researchers will share in a $53 million funding windfall to support imaging infrastructure that allows experts to better understand the human body and the world around us.

15 June 2018
Artist's impression of the Warwick Solar Farm

The University of Queensland is set to become the first major university in the world to offset 100 per cent of its electricity usage through its own renewable energy asset.

7 June 2018
Hepburn Wind, a 4.1MW two-turbine wind farm cooperative

People locked out of the renewable energy market by cost, knowledge barriers or restrictive housing arrangements, such as renters, could benefit from emerging community energy schemes.

5 March 2018
The UQx Sustainable Energy MicroMasters provides the knowledge and tools to help better understand and bring clean and sustainable energy for all.

The University of Queensland’s UQx Massive Open Online Course program has reached two million enrolments, and is set to continue growing as it expands its MicroMasters offerings.

12 January 2018
UQ has a range of experts available to talk to media during the Queensland election campaign. iStockphoto.

UQ has a range of experts available to talk to media during the Queensland election campaign.

30 October 2017
One research project aims to develop crop yield prediction systems using satellite data and biophysical crop modelling. iStockphoto

University of Queensland research projects to develop better batteries for renewable energy and a way of predicting crop yields from space have been funded under a joint Queensland-China scheme.

17 October 2017
Mount Isa mine and city; weathered zinc ore, and high grade copper ore

The University of Queensland has been invited to take a leadership role in the design and management of the new $27.125 million Strategic Resources Exploration Program.

11 October 2017