The water system in Manila was dramatically improved

Until 1997, water supplies in downtown Manila were beset with infrastructure problems such as leaks, widespread unauthorised access and contamination.

11 September 2015
Expedition leader Dr Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero driving the SVII in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

A team of marine biologists from The University of Queensland has witnessed first-hand the potentially damaging effects of rapidly rising ocean temperatures on coral reefs in Hawaii.

2 September 2015
New combinations of resident and migrant species will present unprecedented challenges for conservation planning.

Warming oceans will cause profound changes in the global distribution of marine species, new research shows.

26 August 2015
Increased levels of CO2 in the ocean could alter the rate at which calcium carbonate dissolves in mussels, shell fish and other creatures.

International ocean scientists have issued a blunt warning to world leaders ahead of the November 2015 climate change negotiations in Paris (COP21).

3 July 2015

Climate geoengineering may be the only way to save coral reefs from destructive mass bleaching, according to new research involving the University of Queensland.

25 May 2015
Extinctions are difficult to detect in oceans, but fossils are helping.

An international scientific team has used a 23-million-year fossil record to calculate which marine animals and ecosystems are most at risk of extinction today.

1 May 2015
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
Coral reefs around Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef

Coral larvae use ocean temperature and the presence of symbiotic algae to determine where they should settle, researchers have found.

15 January 2015
New research provides some hope that all will not be lost for future coral reefs.

Coral reefs are the poster child for the damage people are doing to the world’s oceans. Overfishing, pollution and declining water quality have all taken their toll on reefs around the world. Perhaps the most famous example is Australia’s Great...

15 January 2015
Solar panels - like these at UQ - are being installed globally at a rate of a gigawatt every week, almost as much the total amount installed during the 20th century.

The question of whether the future will be powered by coal and oil or by renewable energy is crucially important, both to the medium-term future of the Australian economy and to the long-term future of the planet. For either to succeed, there is a...

8 January 2015
Over the past three years, there’s been increasing concern over the future of the Great Barrier Reef. american_rugbier/Flickr, CC BY-SA

The Australian government has stepped up its campaign this month to prevent the Great Barrier Reef being listed as a World Heritage site “in danger” at international meetings next year.

18 December 2014

As UN Security Council president for November, Australia’s major initiative was to promote the centrality of civilian policing in UN peace operations. The result is the first ever Security Council resolution dedicated to the topic. The resolution...

26 November 2014
Coral is threatened by rising sea temperatures

A decision by G20 leaders to discuss climate change at their meeting in Brisbane this week is good news for the Great Barrier Reef, researchers say.

11 November 2014
Using the state-of-the-art Dalio Foundation exploration vessel 'MV Alucia' as their base, UQ researchers will spend three weeks’ investigating the waters in and around Queensland’s reef systems.

University of Queensland marine neuroscientists are plunging to new depths in submersibles on the Great Barrier Reef and in the Coral Sea.

30 October 2014

Miners do much more than extract minerals and make profits. All over the world mining corporations are collaborating with governments, local populations and NGOs. Their logos, mottoes and CEOs seem to pervade the news media, including the social...

30 October 2014