An artists impression of the new material, with nitrogen atoms included in two layers of honeycomb-patterned graphene.

As silicon-based technology reaches its absolute limits, a material engineered by University of Queensland researchers could herald the next generation of electronics with more memory, faster speeds and advanced features.

8 July 2021
Woman leaning on a window frame

The image of the lifeless body of three-year-old Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi washed ashore on a beach in Turkey in 2015, caused worldwide outrage and changed humanitarian policy across Europe.

7 July 2021
Man, woman and child sitting on park bench smiling at camera.

A first-year physiotherapy student forced to flee Afghanistan and the Taliban eight years ago is UQ’s inaugural Refugee and Humanitarian Scholar.

25 June 2021
Mosquito sucking blood from human hand

A global health organisation and state-of-the-art laboratory at The University of Queensland are collaborating to support the development and evaluation of point-of-care diagnostics for malaria with new custom-made proteins.

15 March 2021

Only 40 per cent of forests are considered to have high ecological integrity, according to a new global measure, the Forest Landscape Integrity Index.

9 December 2020
Most protected areas are isolated in a sea of human activities. Image: James Wheeler

Ongoing land clearing for agriculture, mining and urbanisation is isolating and disconnecting Earth’s protected natural areas from each other, a new study shows.

14 September 2020
A research assistant at the ENGO Corales de Paz (Mariana Gnecco) is cleaning the rope coral nursery with a sophisticated cleaning tool, at San Andres, an island in the Colombian Caribbean. Photo: Corales de Paz.

The most successful and cost-effective ways to restore coral reefs have been identified by an international group of scientists, after analysing restoration projects in Latin America.

12 August 2020

Australia’s renewable energy research capacity has been boosted with the completion of The University of Queensland’s 64 megawatt solar farm at Warwick in the state’s south east.

17 July 2020
Sorghum in the field

Exploiting quirks in plant reproduction could boost yields in two staple crops, sorghum and cowpea, for crop farming communities in sub-Saharan Africa (SA).

9 June 2020

The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine has passed another important milestone, showing the ability to raise high levels of antibodies that can neutralise the virus in early pre-clinical testing.

29 April 2020
An Australian sea lion raises its head to the sky

Populations of Australia’s threatened mammals have declined by 38 per cent on average in 20 years, yet research shows conservation efforts have led to significant recoveries.

23 April 2020

Freeways have failed to solve traffic congestion, but transport planners globally are hesitant to remove or rethink them, according to University of Queensland research.

7 April 2020
Sharks swimming together in the ocean with a blue sky above

It’s not too late to rescue global marine life, according to a study outlining the steps needed for marine ecosystems to recover from damage by 2050.

2 April 2020
Moreton Bay near Brisbane ... healthy oceans are critical to all life on Earth

Climate change is not being taken into account in the design and management of marine parks, according to research featuring University of Queensland scientists.

5 December 2019
Wilderness: image from Pexels

A group of international conservationists is urging governments across the globe to adopt a new approach to address the impact of economic development on the natural world.

8 November 2019