The University of Queensland's Professor Ian Frazer has been named the winner of the prestigious Australian Medical Association (AMA) Gold Medal.

3 June 2009

The University of Queensland (UQ) and Professor Ian Frazer have applauded the Australian Government for pledging $40 million towards a "missing link" medical research and development facility.

12 May 2009
Professor Ian Frazer (back centre) and Clinical Trials Research Manager James Pang (front left) in Vanuatu with the health team and local teachers

A Brisbane team are working closely with the Vanuatu Government to trial a program for effective delivery of cervical cancer vaccines to schoolgirls in resource-poor settings.

21 April 2009

The University of Queensland is seeking members of the public to be part of its animal ethics committees.

9 April 2009

Statement by Professor Ian Frazer on skin cancer vaccine ahead of the Australian Health and Medical Research Conference in Brisbane

16 November 2008

The 2006 Australian of the Year, Professor Ian Frazer, will tonight receive a further honour, the Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research.

13 November 2008

UQ Diamantina Director Professor Ian Frazer’s speech on being awarded the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science, Thursday, October 16, 7pm, Great Hall, Parliament House, Canberra

16 October 2008

UQ’s cervical cancer vaccine co-creator Professor Ian Frazer has won the 2008 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.

16 October 2008

UQ's cervical cancer vaccine co-creator Professor Ian Frazer has won a major international prize worth more than $1.08 million.

9 September 2008

Budding biomedical scientists can hear from cervical cancer pioneer and 2006 Australian of the Year, Professor Ian Frazer, at an information session hosted at The University of Queensland on September 23.

2 September 2008 co-founder, philanthropist and University of Queensland alumnus, Graeme Wood, has been named the 2008 Queenslander of the Year.

3 June 2008

University of Queensland researcher Professor Mark Kendall has been awarded the 2008 Amgen Medical Research Award for his excellence in translational medical research studies.

3 June 2008

A University of Queensland expert who pioneered research linking climate change projections with coral reef distress is the 2008 Smart State Premier’s Fellow.

21 May 2008

The University of Queensland Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield has congratulated two Queenslanders with UQ affiliations who tonight will be honoured at the ATSE Clunies Ross Awards at the Sofitel, Brisbane.

14 May 2008

One of Australia’s leading nanotechnology researchers has been recognised for his work on sustainable energy with a second Federation Fellowship.

24 April 2008

The University of Queensland's Diamantina Institute for Cancer Immunology and Metabolic Medicine was officially opened today at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.

22 April 2008

More effective treatments for brain cancer will be developed at a tumour-cell testing facility opened on Wednesday, March 5, at The University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute (QBI).

6 March 2008

It is an honour for me, as Vice-Chancellor, to welcome all students to the 2008 academic year. To new students, congratulations on your decision to study at The University of Queensland. For me, there will be no more important challenge over the...

25 February 2008

2006 Australian of the Year and University of Queensland Professor Ian Frazer will share key career highlights that led to the development of a revolutionary cancer vaccine at a free public lecture at the UQ St Lucia campus on Saturday morning,...

29 August 2007

Angry bees that fly like mini-missiles could map the futures of unmanned aircraft and planetary explorer robots, thanks to new University of Queensland research backed by the Queensland Government.

23 August 2007