The world-renowned co-inventor of the cervical cancer vaccine, Professor Ian Frazer, has been appointed chief executive of the new $345 million Translational Research Institute.

24 February 2011
Yassmin Abdel-Magied (Keynote speaker, 2010 Young Queenslander of the Year and UQ student), Amanda Lynch (Emmanuel's Indigenous liaison officer) and Chrysalis Students and Leaders

High-profile keynote speakers Reverend Tim Costello and Professor Ian Frazer lent their support to the Chrysalis international summer school held at UQ's Emmanuel College in December.

21 December 2010

The vision to create an Australian-first home for medical research, clinical trials and treatment commercialisation reached an historic milestone today with the official start of construction on the $354 million Translational Research Institute in...

19 October 2010

A cell-based therapy to combat infections in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy is one of many University of Queensland (UQ) research innovations UniQuest will be promoting at the annual Ausbiotech Conference next week, the premier...

14 October 2010

A new cancer vaccine concept developed by researchers at The University of Queensland’s Diamantina Institute has been licensed to US-based developer of RNAi (ribonucleic acid interference) therapeutics, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc., through...

15 September 2010

Learning how to plan a successful QTAC application, hearing about scholarships and exchange opportunities and getting tips from current uni students are all options for anyone attending the UQ St Lucia Open Day on Sunday, August 1.

26 July 2010
Professor Mark Kendall with a Nanopatch

UQ research has found the Nanopatch – a needle-free, pain-free method of vaccine delivery – is now dissolvable, eliminating the possibility of needle-stick injury.

23 July 2010

Developing a cervical cancer vaccine and watching it start protecting millions of young women worldwide is more than most researchers would hope for in a lifetime.

29 June 2010
Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield . . . UQ will always be the people's university

The University of Queensland scooped the pool when Premier Anna Bligh announced the prestigious Queensland Greats Awards today.

3 June 2010

Eleven University of Queensland researchers have been honoured as international leaders in their fields at a ceremony today.

13 April 2010

Immunologist and Director of UQ's Diamantina Institute, Professor Ian Frazer, has been awarded the 2009 Australian Medical Association’s gold medal for his outstanding services to the association, to the practice of medicine and the community.

23 March 2010

Protecting Intellectual Property and identifying ways to optimise its commercial potential are among the topics UQ researchers and Research Higher Degree students will cover at this year’s research commercialisation "boot camps" run by UQ’s main...

22 January 2010

Next-generation approaches in disease detection and prevention are being developed by biotechnologists at The University of Queensland (UQ) in a bid to curb the influence of a changing climate and sprawling population.

27 October 2009

ProGel, a revolutionary micro-encapsulation technology, is among the many University of Queensland technologies UniQuest will be promoting at the annual Ausbiotech Conference next week, the premier biotechnology meeting for the Asia Pacific region.

23 October 2009

UQ’s Professor Ian Frazer has been awarded the 2009 Honda Prize for his contribution to the development of the world’s first cervical cancer vaccines.

29 September 2009
Queensland Premier Anna Bligh

Australia will have a stronger role in global efforts to address major diseases like cancer and diabetes following a $50 million gift, the biggest donation of its kind in the nation’s history.

27 July 2009

In response to the growing threat of swine flu, a UQ team is applying nanopatch technology to potentially solve the problems associated with vaccinating millions of Australians, thanks to a recently announced government grant.

14 July 2009
Professor Ian Frazer

The future of Australian medical research is looking bright thanks to a new initiative giving Queensland secondary students the chance to complete a unique research immersion program.

1 July 2009

Queensland’s top 150 Icons have been released and The University of Queensland’s structures, people and research milestones have made the list.

30 June 2009
Ms Sherry Wu

Researchers at The University of Queensland have developed a way to deliver drugs which can specifically shut down cancer-causing genes in tumour cells while sparing normal healthy tissues.

4 June 2009