A study by a scholar at The University of Queensland reveals that the ‘green revolution’ advertised by the world’s biggest brands and corporations is misleading consumers.

10 October 2012

A modelling study from an international collaboration involving German, Canadian and Australian scientists has concluded that increasing global temperatures to 2 degrees above pre-industrial global temperatures will be too hot for two thirds of the...

16 September 2012

A University of Queensland scientist is involved in an international collaboration that has proposed a new strategy for marine conservation, which involves unconventional, proactive tactics, in a paper published in Nature Climate Change today.

17 August 2012

The Australian Research Council has awarded Australian Laureate Fellowships to two of The University of Queensland’s brightest stars – marine biologist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and economist Professor John Quiggin.

30 July 2012

The cost of transforming the world’s energy systems to address rising carbon dioxide levels is little more than one-tenth of one per cent of growth in global gross domestic product per annum, according to a University of Queensland researcher.

8 July 2012

Australia’s influence on international scientific research and innovation was recognised today with ecologist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg of The University of Queensland named one of the world’s top scientists.

30 May 2012
“The visual nature of the project will also help bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and public awareness,” Professor Hoegh-Guldberg

A pioneering scientific expedition that will document the health of coral on the Great Barrier Reef will be undertaken as a joint venture between global technology giant Google, the UQ Global Change Institute, not-for-profit organisation Underwater...

23 February 2012
Visionary philanthropist Graeme Wood buries a piece of coal in front of the construction site of the Global Change Institute Living Building at St Lucia

University of Queensland alumnus and visionary philanthropist Graeme Wood has marked the beginning of construction of UQ’s new Global Change Institute Living Building with a symbolic gesture of carbon sequestration.

24 November 2011
2011 Eureka Prize nominee and GCI research fellow John Cook

University of Queensland alumnus Mr John Cook, the creator of SkepticalScience.com and a new appointment to UQ’s Global Change Institute (GCI), has been named as a finalist in the 2011 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.

24 August 2011

Researchers at The University of Queensland have attracted $11.2 million in funding for 22 projects under the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Projects scheme, which supports joint research with industry and business partners.

1 June 2011

Fifty two leading researchers from The University of Queensland were honoured on Sunday as leaders in their diverse fields of discovery at the inaugural Q-Index Awards.

17 May 2011

The more humanity acidifies and warms the world’s oceans with carbon emissions, the harder we will have to work to save our coral reefs.

14 February 2011

An international team of Australian and Israeli coral geneticists, including scientists from UQ, has found that corals, among the simplest of Earth’s creatures, have some curiously human-like attributes, thanks to shared genes.

20 January 2011

Australian marine scientists have expressed disquiet over the continued worldwide spread of large, dead zones in the ocean.

24 November 2010

The Global Change Institute small grant recipients for 2010 have been announced and illustrate the breadth and depth of research activities at The University of Queensland.

22 November 2010

The Global Change Institute at The University of Queensland will host renowned scientist and author, Professor Naomi Oreskes, on November 16, for the Brisbane leg of her Australian tour.

10 November 2010

It’s official: Coalition politicians are less certain than their Labor counterparts that climate change exists and less likely to consider it a serious threat to human existence, a new survey shows.

12 August 2010

UQ Alumna and Governor-General Dr Quentin Bryce AC will return to The University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus, where she both studied and taught, for the unveiling of two new carvings in the heritage-listed Great Court.

2 July 2010

Everyone is invited to enjoy the festivities during The University of Queensland’s Carnival in the Great Court on Saturday July 3.

1 July 2010

The Director of UQ's Global Change Institute, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, has been selected as the Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 30, “Open Oceans”, to the Working Group II (WGII) contribution of the Fifth Assessment Report of the...

24 June 2010