Being involved in a research project in the Solomon Islands has given University of Queensland student Lotus DesFours first-hand experience of the complexities that can surround community development.

22 March 2013

Two scientists from The University of Queensland are leading a call to legalise international trade in rhinoceros horn in a bid to save the animals from extinction.

28 February 2013
Typical consultation between remote clinical staff and a Brisbane-based specialist – in this instance a paediatric neurologist.

New telehealth services in the Western Downs region will reduce the cost burden on families who currently have to travel significant distances to see a specialist in a major city.

18 February 2013
A 2400-year old Egyptian mummy mask remains one of the RD Milns Antiquities Museum's most popular attractions.

Over 50 years, what began as a cluster of artefacts in a professor's room has grown into Queensland's greatest collection of classical Mediterranean antiquities.

11 February 2013

University of Queensland (UQ) researchers from the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) will be monitoring and evaluating the impact of the Australian Government’s Dad and Partner Pay.

5 February 2013
Hypothesized reconstruction of the small Lark Quarry trackmaker. Illustration by Anthony Romilio, The University of Queensland.

Queensland paleontologists have discovered that the world’s only recorded dinosaur stampede is largely made up of the tracks of swimming rather than running animals.

9 January 2013

There is growing scientific concern that corals could retreat from equatorial seas and oceans as the Earth continues to warm, a team of international marine researchers warned today.

11 December 2012
Professor Brian Head

Leading social scientist from The University of Queensland Professor Brian Head has received two accolades for his research leadership and expertise this year.

22 November 2012

The University of Queensland's School of Political Sciences and International Studies will host a symposium on the Politics of Climate Change in Australia on November 28-9.

12 November 2012

SUSOP Pty Ltd, a new sustainability consultancy owned by The University of Queensland, has won an international award recognising its innovative approach to helping resource companies improve their contribution towards achieving sustainable...

5 November 2012

With the world population predicted to hit 9 billion in 2050 and land and water resources in decline, the focus for World Food Day on Tuesday 16 October will be on how to do more with less.

12 October 2012
Tim Paris from the University of Western Sydney has won the 2012 Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) Trans-Tasman competition hosted by UQ yesterday.

Tim Paris from the University of Western Sydney has beaten 42 competitors from Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Fiji to win the 2012 Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) Trans-Tasman competition hosted by UQ yesterday.

12 October 2012

New research on 130 million year old dinosaur tracks at James Price Point, north of Broome, in the remote Kimberley region of WA, by UQ palaeontologist Dr Steve Salisbury and some of his students features on tonight's episode of Catalyst (ABC-1, 8pm...

4 October 2012

Atheists and believers alike will repeatedly sacrifice large portions of their income to unresponsive entities in the hope of a better outcome, a new study suggests.

20 August 2012

The University of Queensland has been appointed the Lead Research Organisation for two large solar photovoltaic (PV) projects which will be built in the next three years in western New South Wales.

8 August 2012

Indigenous tourism businesses in Western Australia are planning to target new customers in the US and Canada with help from two of the world’s top business schools.

3 August 2012
Wawiriya Burton(Australia, 1928) Pitjantjatjara people, South Australia
'Ngayuku ngura - My country' 2009, Amata, South Australia
Synthetic polymer paint on linen
152 x 122 cm 
d’Auvergne Boxall Bequest Fund 2009, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
© Wawiriya Burton, Courtesy of Tjala Arts

The Art Gallery of South Australia’s travelling exhibition Desert Country offers an oasis of colour when it opens at The University of Queensland Art Museum on 4 August 2012.

13 July 2012

Q-Sera Pty Ltd, the latest biotechnology company formed to commercialise intellectual property from The University of Queensland (UQ), has raised $900,000 from Australia’s Medical Research Commercialisation Fund (MRCF) and the Uniseed...

18 June 2012

With aquaculture on track to overtake global fisheries, a new aquaculture book from The University of Queensland will help industry and students look to the future.

13 April 2012
Professors Brian Head and Janeen Baxter.

Two University of Queensland professors at the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) have been awarded with prestigious appointments to the Australian Research Council College (formerly known as College of Experts) – an acknowledgement that...

21 March 2012