A University of Queensland (UQ) mechanical engineering lecturer is one of two Australian academics to join astronomers from NASA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and other organisations who will get a front row seat and a rare...

11 June 2010

CBC News executive Heaton Dyer will provide a keynote address at the UNESCO World Press Freedom Day Indigenous Voice Closing the Gap Forum on May 1 at The University of Queensland in Brisbane.

11 April 2010

University of Queensland student actors will never be far from Geoffrey Rush, as UQ is naming a key drama space after its most famous thespian son.

22 March 2010

The University of Queensland, via its commercialisation company, UniQuest, has signed an agreement with the Endeavour Foundation to extend its rights to deliver the innovative Latch-On literacy program for another five years.

2 March 2010

UniQuest, The University of Queensland’s main commercialisation company, has chosen Arana Hills resident and UQ alumnus Dorothy Jenner to receive its 2009 Award for Best Practice in International Development Assistance.

29 January 2010

Medical research worth $40 million will commence at The University of Queensland in 2010, thanks to funding announced by the Federal Government today.

29 October 2009
Taken away as a child in 1977, Biliki found her parents 27 years later with the help of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation. Pictured here reuniting with her father.

Touched by the stories of Australia’s stolen generations, UQ PhD graduate Helene van Klinken felt she could not let the tales of displaced East Timorese children go untold.

12 May 2009

This year’s historic Great Court Race saw new champions earn a place as The University of Queensland’s fastest athletes.

16 June 2008

An agricultural manager who oversees international aid and development projects has won UQ’s inaugural Vice-Chancellor’s Alumni Equity and Diversity Award.

14 May 2008

Health loss caused by type 2 diabetes will more than double in Australia by 2023, as health loss from most other major causes falls, according to new research by The University of Queensland’s (UQ) School of Population Health.

11 January 2008

The impact of climate change on health and the link between socio-economic status and food choices will be some of the topics discussed by the world’s leading public health nutritionists meeting in Brisbane this week.

26 November 2007

Scientists have successfully simulated a collision of two laser beams from an atom laser using an everyday desktop computer.

27 June 2007

Twenty-nine students from The University of Queensland, Gatton Campus will fly to six different Asian destinations in the coming weeks as part of their Bachelor of Agribusiness degrees.

12 September 2006

University of Queensland researchers are teaming up with Queensland Rail in a signalling project.

29 March 2006

Two University of Queensland biochemists are leading the world in wound and bone repair from Singapore.

15 December 2005

Grandparents raising grandchildren, baby boomer career women, aged care facilities and the pros and cons of staying in the workforce will be up for discussion at the fourth National Conference for Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA 2005).

1 November 2005

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie is to reveal details of his life, leadership and politics at a free public event presented by The University of Queensland this week.

27 September 2005

An Indooroopilly veterinarian who brought in vitro fertilisation to Australia and Brahman cattle to the Top End, has won one of the nation’s premier vet science awards.

6 July 2005

From customs to animal health, University of Queensland graduate Brian Ruddle is designing and delivering economic development programs for South East Asia.

24 September 2004

The University of Queensland has been selected as part of a major international archaeological study in the South Pacific, funded by the French Government.

17 June 2004