Joseph Hongoh

Orphaned at the age of seven and one of only 10 at his school to complete year 12, Kenyan-born Joseph Hongoh has achieved some impressive goals, both academically and in the community.

15 November 2010

The Queensland Brain Institute today opened the first joint neuroscience research laboratory between Australia and China.

23 September 2010

A leading researcher from the Queensland Brain Institute has been awarded the 2010 Boycott Prize for career achievement in the field of retinal neuroscience.

3 August 2010

SHANGHAI: New collaborations between The University of Queensland and China could help unravel the causes of brain disorders like schizophrenia and combat Hendra Virus.

21 June 2010

Eleven University of Queensland researchers have been honoured as international leaders in their fields at a ceremony today.

13 April 2010

Researchers at UQ's Queensland Brain Institute have uncovered how antidepressants stimulate the brain to improve a person’s mood.

17 February 2010

An upcoming University of Queensland public lecture will make you realise how much we mirror each other's actions as a means to communicate.

5 October 2009
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)

UQ neuroscientists have, for the first time, been able to demonstrate that moderate exercise significantly increases the number of neural stem cells in the ageing brain.

24 June 2009

A unique China-Australian collaboration in neuroscience has been formed between UQ's Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and The Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences.

19 May 2009

The University of Queensland is seeking members of the public to be part of its animal ethics committees.

9 April 2009

More than 6000 high school students from across Australia and New Zealand are putting their brainpower to the test today March 18.

18 March 2009

The University of Queensland has recruited a world expert in imaging to establish a centre that will use the latest scanning technology to work on cures for some of the most debilitating human diseases.

27 October 2008

Standing at a height of four storeys, Out of Mind, the contemporary artwork on display in UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute, is certainly not out of sight.

30 September 2008

Leading neuroscientists from Australia, China, and the USA will visit The University of Queensland this week to join Queensland Brain Institute neuroscientists in a three day symposium.

6 September 2008

The Queensland Minister for Tourism Regional Development and Industry, Desley Boyle today opened The University of Queensland’s new $2.5 million “All Weather Bee Flight Facility” at the Queensland Brain Institute.

20 August 2008

Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) neuroscientists at The University of Queensland have discovered a fundamental component of the process that regulates memory formation.

14 May 2008

The participants in the Australia 2020 Summit have been announced and The University of Queensland will be well represented.

2 April 2008

UQ’s newest brain disorder research lab was opened this afternoon in honour of the self-made millionaire Peter Goodenough who lost his life to motor neuron disease (MND).

19 March 2008

About 9600 high school students across Australia and New Zealand will take part in round one of UQ’s 2008 Australian Brain Bee Challenge tomorrow.

11 March 2008

More effective treatments for brain cancer will be developed at a tumour-cell testing facility opened on Wednesday, March 5, at The University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute (QBI).

6 March 2008