The University of Queensland’s annual Great Court race celebrated a quarter of a century this year with a strong field of athletes and plenty of competition.

2 July 2009
Pamela Lamb and Leonie McGuire

With 72 staff members dedicated to improving its green image, UQ has plenty of reasons to celebrate World Environment Day, to be held on Friday, June 5.

3 June 2009

Protecting Queensland's beef industry whilst reducing food poisoning outbreaks in humans is the aim of Dr Rowland Cobbold, a researcher from UQ’s School of Veterinary Science.

16 May 2009
Professor Flavio Menezes

Professor Flavio Menezes, the new Head of UQ’s School of Economics, sees the current financial situation as a time for economists to shine.

14 May 2009
Dr Ward monitoring the coral near Heron Island

If a coral bleaching event hits Australia’s Great Barrier Reef this year, marine biologists from The University of Queensland will be ready to document the action.

26 February 2009

A UQ graduate has spearheaded a national campaign to reconnect the Honours Alumni from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law.

27 November 2008

Whether it inspires or irritates you, reality television has the power to capture a wide audience, something Australian Idol has cleverly used to its advantage.

21 November 2008

UQ dominated at the 2008 Australian University Games in Melbourne last month, winning the athletics crown for the 10th successive year.

18 November 2008

UQ will join the international campaign to raise diabetes awareness when it turns one of its most prominent buildings blue on Thursday, November 13.

11 November 2008

For accountant-turned-sociologist Dr Margery Mayall, undertaking a PhD proved the perfect opportunity to blend professional experience with a passion for research.

31 October 2008

The University of Queensland today received $31 million in National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project Grants, confirming its position as the state’s top research institution.

16 October 2008

Pleasing the Indie music crowd while raising money for cystic fibrosis is all in a day’s work for the public relations students from UQ’s School of Journalism and Communication.

10 October 2008

Two up-and-coming UQ researchers recently had an opportunity to attend a major international science conference in the Northern Hemisphere, thanks to funding from Merck Pty Ltd, a leading chemical and pharmaceutical company.

25 September 2008

Raising enough money to build a home in one night may seem like a lofty goal, but it helps to have some of Australia's most popular musicians on side.

9 September 2008

Protecting Queensland’s profitable beef industry whilst reducing food poisoning outbreaks in humans is just one proposed project to be conducted within the Centre for Advanced Animal Science.

1 September 2008

Science is the theme dominating UQ�s 2008 Ekka involvement with entomologists, mathematicians and bioscientists this year lured to the iconic 10-day Brisbane event.

12 August 2008

Recent UQ Business School MBA graduate Abhishek Sodhani has some advice for international students looking to bag that “first job” in Australia — get involved and get busy.

11 August 2008

A study conducted at the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research has contributed to a major breakthrough in understanding the cause of schizophrenia.

11 August 2008

It may have taken a decade but Brisbane Lions midfielder and three-time AFL Premiership player Luke Power now has a UQ degree to his name.

14 July 2008

The UQ Library today recognised Refugee Week with a seminar intended to promote and encourage discussion of refugee issues.

19 June 2008