Time and tourism are exacting a heavy toll on towns buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, so archaeologists are racing to record as much as they can, Professor Frank Sear says.

24 April 1999

Doctorates recently completed through the University of Queensland cover a wide range of areas including eye health among indigenous children, the beliefs shaping a former Singaporean Prime Minister and the struggle to introduce a new subject into...

14 January 1999

Most Queensland female public servants still see organisational culture and stereotypes as detrimental to their careers, according to a University of Queensland study.

14 October 1998

University of Queensland researchers believe they are producing good scientific results with strong commercial potential in a five-year project to detect cervical cancer at early stages.

31 March 1998

University of Queensland researchers believe they are producing good scientific results with strong commercial potential in a five-year project to detect cervical cancer at early stages.

26 March 1998