Enjoy Moreton Bay at free Redcliffe UQ Biodiversity Roadshow

Would you like to know more about the remarkable diversity on Brisbane’s doorstep in Moreton Bay, extending from corals to manta rays?
10 October 2017

Explaining the pop-ularity of pimple-popper videos

Why is the internet going crazy for videos of pimples popping, cysts exploding and stomach-churning ingrown hairs?
9 October 2017

Companion animals delay women leaving domestic violence

Women in domestic violence relationships delay leaving due to concern their abusive partner might hurt or neglect their animals left at home.
8 October 2017

Cerebral palsy app helps families worldwide

Queensland researchers will feature on a new app being released for World Cerebral Palsy Day today.
5 October 2017

Nanopatch polio vaccine delivers

Efforts to rid the world of polio have taken another significant step, thanks to research led by University of Queensland bioscience experts and funding from the World He
5 October 2017

UQ plant expert to take part in Indonesian professor program

The University of Queensland’s Professor André Drenth will be one of the first scientists to participate in a new Indonesian Government program that aims to strengthen In
4 October 2017

Team UQ places fourth at Uni Games

UQ has finished fourth overall, and Queensland’s top-ranked university, at the 2017 Australian Uni Games (AUG) on the Gold Coast.
3 October 2017

Unbeaten UQ secures Uni 7s series title

UQ has gone undefeated in winning the first-ever Aon Uni 7s Series title, following victory in the final round at Bond University.
3 October 2017

Eyes wide open to science

Students from Woodridge State High School in the south west of Brisbane have had the opportunity to take part in medical research in a unique University of Queensland pro
3 October 2017

Forum spotlights African animal welfare

The challenges of meeting African wildlife and livestock welfare needs will be the subject of a free symposium at the University of Queensland in October.
3 October 2017
