Outdated surgical choices put women at risk

Australian women are undergoing unnecessarily invasive hysterectomies due to a lack of contemporary surgical skills among gynaecologists.
16 May 2018

Does evolution make us or are we just drifting that way?

Evolution may be responsible for a range of complex traits, including height and waist-to-hip ratio, and diseases such as schizophrenia, research from The University of Q
16 May 2018

Anywhere is somewhere at UQ Theatre Festival

In a sparkling debut, the curtain has risen on The University of Queensland’s world premier event, the UQ Theatre Festival which runs until Thursday 24 May.
15 May 2018

Global tourism’s big carbon footprint

The true cost of our desire to travel, from flights to souvenirs, has been determined through a comprehensive study that reveals global tourism is a significant and growi
15 May 2018

Spirals inspire interest in UQ’s Art Museum

A giant spiral across Brisbane’s skyline has been reflected on the ground by students in The University of Queensland’s Great Court to mark International Museum Day today
15 May 2018

UQ geneticist elected Fellow of The Royal Society

A University of Queensland geneticist has joined the ranks of eminent scientists around the world with his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London.
15 May 2018

National prize for UQ wastewater researchers

A University of Queensland research project to revolutionise the treatment of wastewater has won a national research innovation prize.
15 May 2018

UQ leads the way on health with new Genome Innovation Hub

Genetic research aimed at improving healthcare will be the focus of the University of Queensland’s new Genome Innovation Hub.
14 May 2018

Digital dilemma faces new diabetes treatments

Outdated legal and policy frameworks are preventing health professionals and patients from using digital treatment options such as mobile phone apps.
11 May 2018

Whiteoak to defend Great Court Race title

University of Queensland Bachelor of Economics student Max Whiteoak will be chasing a third victory when he competes at the 2018 Great Court Race.
16 May 2018
