13 February 2004

Researchers from The University of Queensland’s School of Music are seeking first-time mothers for a project exploring music and babies.

The project aims to explore the experience of mothers singing to their babies and how singing lullabies can improve a mother’s relationship with her baby; assist in coping with the demands of motherhood; and improve the overall sense of well-being of both mother and baby.

The project, titled Sing, soothe, sleep: combining music and motherhood, will begin in late March and run for approximately 10-13 weeks.

The research will be based primarily at the School of Music at UQ’s St Lucia campus but some work will be carried out in the volunteers’ homes.

Researchers are looking for first-time mothers aged between 25-35 years with babies from six-weeks-old to participate.

The project will involve a series of one-on-one interviews; trialing the use of lullaby singing with your baby; keeping a record of your emotional responses and moods during this process; videoing how you use lullaby singing; and keeping a record of the lullabies you sing.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information contact Liz Mackinlay
on 3365 6712, email: e.mackinlay@uq.edu.au or Felicity Baker on 3365 3740, email: f.baker1@uq.edu.au

Media: For more information contact Liz Mackinlay (telephone 3365 6712) or Felicity Baker (telephone 3365 3740) or Andrew Dunne at UQ Communications (telephone 3365 2802).