20 April 2001

The policy of the Senate of The University of Queensland is that it is not selling its 282-hectare facility at Pinjarra Hills in Brisbane.

University Chancellor Sir Llewellyn Edwards said the University would continue to operate its Pinjarra Hills site, including significant research facilities.

"Pinjarra Hills will still be used for University research by a number of faculties, centres and departments," he said.

"The Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science is proposing to transfer its large animal practical teaching and research from Brisbane to facilities at UQ Gatton but this decision is in no way related to the University's continued ownership of Pinjarra Hills."

The Pinjarra Hills site was given to the University by benefactors Dr James Mayne and his sister Miss Maria Emelia Mayne, in 1923, to enhance the teaching of agriculture.

The land was bought by their father, Patrick in the early 1860s and came to Dr Mayne and Miss Mayne in 1922 after the death of their brother William.

It is not part of the Mayne estate which was left in perpetuity for the benefit of the University's Medical School. The Pinjarra Hills land was given to the University well before the deaths of Dr Mayne in 1939 and Miss Mayne in 1940.

Media: Further information, contact Jan King (telephone 07 3365 1120).