14 July 2000

The University of Queensland welcomes members of the public to a ceremony marking the National Week of Prayer for Reconciliation at UQ's St Lucia campus on Wednesday, July 19.

The multi-faith prayer evening will feature story telling,prayers, songs, candle lighting, and speakers including University of Queensland Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay and Chair of the Queensland Reconciliation Council Bob Anderson.

University Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (ATSIS) Unit Director Michael Williams said the fourth annual ceremony was part of the University's statement in support of reconciliation.

"We see it as an important event in the University's life and one which we hope will be continued beyond the formal legislative life of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, in the spirit of it being a people's movement," Mr Williams said.

"The ATSIS Unit and the University's Chaplaincy Services are collaborating to convene the event."

Professor Hay, staff and students, church representatives, members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and general communities will join in the ceremony.

The ceremony will be held in the amphitheatre near the University lakes, between the snake rocks and the Staff and Graduates Club, from 5.30pm to 6.45pm).

People wishing to attend can contact Mr Williams or Sue Randell at the ATSIS Unit telephone 3365 6699, or the Rev Geoff Hoyte or Elizabeth Levick at UQ Chaplaincy Services telephone 3365 6439.

Media: For more information, contact Michael Williams (telephone 07 3365 6733 or email michael.williams@mailbox.uq.edu.au).