26 October 1999

Stage Two of the University's new Ipswich campus is on target to be opened by Christmas.

Eight heritage-listed buildings are being refurbished, a new twin building complex is being built and major landscaping is under way.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Trevor Grigg said completion of the second stage of the campus development was expected to increase enrolments to 1500 next year, and 2350 from the year 2001.

He said the combination of state-of-the-art technology and a total of 14 fully- restored heritage buildings gave the Ipswich campus a character unique in Queensland.

Formerly an institution for the mentally ill, the campus site has several distinctive buildings. Earlier this year, the University received three major awards recognising the design and heritage conservation achievements of the Ipswich campus.

As part of Stage Two, the old hospital and administration building are being refurbished to accommodate academic staff. The former theatrette is being fitted out to provide a 100-person teaching space and a video conferencing facility, while maintaining its capacity for both live performance with stage and change room facilities, and video movie projection. The old store will be adapted to become seminar rooms.

A refectory with verandahs and courtyard,(right) seating 300 people indoors and out, will transform what was once the institution's laundry. The old boiler house with its large chimney may be redeveloped as a community arts centre.

Professor Grigg said the new twin building complex would provide staff accommodation, computer laboratories, large teaching areas, seminar rooms, a 120-seat Self-Directed Learning Centre and the campus' seven-day-a-week information technology centre.

In contrast to the historic elements of the campus, the latest in information technology supports ultra-modern courses and teaching methods.

Courses include electronic commerce, information environments, contemporary studies, social science and behavioural studies, education (graduate entry), business with streams in tourism, travel, hospitality and leisure management and business communication.

Further information: Professor Trevor Grigg 3365 7366.