12 July 1999

The University of Queensland, Australia's 1998-99 University of the Year, will open its doors on Sunday, August 1 to prospective students, and their families and friends.

The University will hold its 1999 Courses and Careers Day from 9am to 4pm, with a display in Mayne Hall, St Lucia, Brisbane, and careers talks in nearby buildings.

Courses and Careers Day spokesperson Dr Lisa Gaffney said the day was a good chance for people to talk face to face with University staff about courses, career paths, facilities and entry requirements. A series of talks throughout the day would provide valuable information about degree programs.

"The day will be very helpful for Year 10 students in planning their subjects for the next few years, and for Year 11 and 12 students in deciding the courses they would like to enter. We also are looking forward to seeing the many people who are contemplating mature-age study."

Dr Gaffney said the University of Queensland offered high quality support for its students, including health services, personal counselling and learning assistance. In addition, its sporting and recreational facilities were superb.

Courses and Careers Day programs and campus maps will be available from Mayne Hall and from information guides.

Displays in Mayne Hall on August 1will cover the full range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the St Lucia, Ipswich and Gatton campuses. The day will also include campus and library tours, and five of the University's major museums and collections will open to visitors from 9am to 4pm, accessible via the Great Court. They are the Physics Museum, University Art Museum, Anthropology Museum, Antiquities Museum and Zoology Museum.

The University will hold a separate evening on Monday August 2 from 4pm to 7pm at Mayne Hall for people considering postgraduate studies. Open days will also be held at UQ Ipswich on Sunday, August 15 and at Gatton College on Sunday, August 29.

For further information about the Courses and Careers Day, contact telephone 3365 9132 or visit the UQ website www.uq.edu.au