6 September 2012

Hundreds of UQ postgraduate research students will have the opportunity to develop skills to underpin their future success when Graduate Student Week gets under way on Monday.

Organised by the UQ Graduate School, Graduate Student Week will run from 10 – 14 September and is open to all research higher degree and Honours students, as well as academics and support staff.

Graduate Student Week is one of a number of initiatives that supports students during their candidature including the year-round Skills Training program, the Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) and the Australia-first Career Advantage PhD Program.

Popular sessions over the course of the week include: The seven secrets of highly successful research students, Turbocharge your writing, and Presenting your research with confidence.

Other sessions include how to search for patents, reading and writing critically, how to write research proposals, and tips on getting published.

In addition, candidates are taught broader skills that will help them during their studies such as conflict resolution and stress management.

Graduate School and UQ Advantage Senior Manager Sam Ferguson said initiatives such as Graduate Student Week were important in maintaining UQ’s global reputation for research excellence.

“We are proud to provide world-class experts and resources at UQ, and a wide range of support programs that help students realise their academic potential,” Mr Ferguson said.

“Graduate Student Week is an opportunity for research higher degree students to learn skills they can immediately apply to their own projects, and their own journey through candidature.

“Each time Graduate Student Week is run, we take feedback from participants to ensure the sessions are as relevant as possible to the needs of the students.”

Students and staff wishing to view the timetable of events and register to attend can read more details here.

Media: Mark Schroder, UQ Graduate School Marketing & Communications, ph 07 3346 0509, m.schroder@uq.edu.au