6 August 2012

In response to the growing use of technology and smart phones, University of Queensland researchers are examining Australian parents’ use of the internet and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

“The majority of parents have frequent access to the internet and technology has changed where and how parents seek support and advice,” said Dr Divna Haslam, a member of the UQ team examining the role of the internet in parenting.

“Historically parents got support in person from friends and family but it seems many now turn to forums, Facebook or friends online to share their experiences, get advice and feel connected to other parents.

“It might be as simple as a parent posting something cute their child has said, or as complex as asking for advice on bedtime problems, but things like this can help parents feel more confident about their parenting.”

The research team is now conducting a large scale, Australia-wide survey to find out how technology has changed parenting support, and how services can be improved in the future.

Parents of 2-12 year old children are invited to complete the anonymous survey.

Over 400 parents have already had their say, but more parents are needed.

Parents who wish to complete the 20 minute survey can do so here: http://psy.uq.edu.au/21c or phone 07 33658870.

Media contact: Dr Divna Haslam, phone 07 3365 6163