25 January 2012

Parents can help their child cope with the wild weather that is currently wreaking havoc across South East Queensland by accessing a free, online survival guide developed by The University of Queensland.

The Child and Adolescent Disaster Response Deputy Chair, Dr Vanessa Cobham and Chair, Associate Professor Brett McDermott, have teamed up with Professor Matthew Sanders at The University of Queensland to develop the Preparing for Bad Weather Triple P Survival Guide.

"Heavy rain, flash flooding and storms can be frightening for children. Not only that, the media's coverage of these weather events often features reports and images that children find distressing," Professor Sanders said.

"One of the important tasks for parents is to help their children feel prepared, not scared," he said.

Parents can access the Preparing for Bad Weather Triple P Survival Guide now by simply visiting the website.

Dr Cobham explained that one of the best things parents can do for their children during extreme weather is to maintain family routines as much as possible. Parents can also help their children recognise, understand and express their feelings about dangerous weather.

"Our support package includes a number of practical tips that parents may find useful in helping their children to cope with the wild weather that is currently upon us," she said.

Professor Sanders said that a unique feature of this online resource is that it combines professional advice with the ideas, views and experiences of parents who have endured bad weather events.

The researchers are asking parents who access the survival guide to then give them some feedback by completing a brief, online survey.

"By letting us know what they thought of the survival guide, parents will help us improve our resources," Dr Cobham said.

For more information about this free survival guide or telephone (07) 3365 7307.

Media: Ingrid Rubie UQ Communications, 07 3365 2619, i.rubie@uq.edu.au or Dr Vanessa Cobham 0403 455 067