8 September 2011

UQ researchers are on the lookout for grandparents who would like to take part in a free new parenting program.

James Kirby and Professor Matthew Sanders have developed a new version of the award-winning Triple P Parenting Program and are seeking 40 grandparents to take part.

"Grandparents bring a great deal of experience and expertise to the role when providing care to their grandkids, as they have been parents before. But what we are finding from our research is that some grandparents want to update their parenting knowledge and ideas, as it has been a while since they have had to care for children on a regular basis," Professor Sanders said.

Grandparent Triple P is a nine-week group program that runs at The University of Queensland's St Lucia campus. To participate in Grandparent Triple P you need to provide at least 10 hours of care per week to a grandchild who is aged between two to nine years. There is no cost to take part.

More information is available online

To register your interest or find out more, contact (07) 3365 6207 or j.kirby@psy.uq.edu.au

Media: James Kirby (07 3365 6207, j.kirby@psy.uq.edu.au)