28 April 2011

Volunteers who helped with cleanup work in the recent Brisbane floods are needed for interviews as part of University of Queensland student research.

The research will investigate volunteers’ thoughts and feelings about their experience during a 25 minute interview on either Saturday May 7 or Sunday May 8 at a city location.

Research supervisor, Dr Lyn McDonald from the University of Queensland School of Journalism and Communication said that flood volunteers’ help was crucial.

“Volunteers will be interviewed by one of three student researchers between 10am and 3pm,” Dr McDonald said.

“They will go into a draw to win one of three movie gift cards, each valued at $40.

"Volunteers should contact me with their preferred interview day and I will provide full details on time and place and a location map link,” she said.

Participants should contact Dr Lyn McDonald with their preferred interview day on email lyn.mcdonald@uq.edu.au or else phone 3346 8293 and leave their contact details.