5 August 2010

A networking group which started more than 30 years ago has invited past and current members to celebrate UQ’s Centenary.

The UQ Secretaries’ and Office Professionals’ Association is holding a reunion morning tea on August 24, with a talk on the University’s and Association’s history and a tour of the campus and art museum planned for the day.

The association started in 1977 when a group of secretaries decided to meet after work for networking meetings.

It now has 100 financial members – including one male – and organises regular meetings, lunchtime seminars, and conferences with guest speakers sought from within UQ and externally.

Current President Tara Kitch, Executive Assistant to Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield, said UQSOPA had thrived over the past 33 years because its meetings offered an opportunity for like-minded professionals to network and exchange ideas in a supportive environment.

“It makes sense that people who work in similar roles would experience similar challenges and might be able to help each other out,” she said.

“UQSOPA provides an avenue for professional and personal development, an opportunity to share ideas and a chance to welcome new office professionals to UQ.

“Members let each other know about relevant job vacancies and call on one another for assistance from time to time.”

Ms Kitch – who changed from a career in marketing seven years ago – said the role of office support staff had evolved dramatically since the association began.

“It’s so much more than diary management these days,” she said.

“No one day’s the same and you can’t have any expectations about how your working week will pan out, which I think can be a good thing.”

Patrons and Honorary Life Members of the Association include past senior staff members the late Dr Janet Irwin AM, Dr Joan Opdebeeck, Mrs Janine Schmidt and Mr Douglas Porter.

Past and present members and current Patron, Academic Registrar Mrs Linda Bird, are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Schmidt (former UQ Librarian) and Mr Porter (former Secretary and Registrar) to the UQ Centenary reunion event.

If you would like more information about UQSOPA, please visit its website.

Media: Tara Kitch (07 3365 1300, t.kitch@uq.edu.au) or Penny Robinson at UQ Communications (07 3365 9723, penny.robinson@uq.edu.au)