22 March 2010

Professor Jerry Singleton hopes to bridge the gap between academics and students in different parts of the world, starting in Australia at The University of Queensland.

He spent more than two weeks at UQ’s School of Tourism, while on leave from teaching and research work into leisure studies at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.

The visit comes after Professor Singleton forged a friendship with UQ Associate Professor Ian Patterson and senior lecturer, Dr Shane Pegg, at numerous industry conferences in different parts of the world.

Professor Singleton used his visit to discuss research projects and data analysis, while pushing for academics and students to consider global implications and cultural diversity in their work.

``I have worked with universities in the US and Canada, so this is the first time off the continent,’’ he said.

``I like the environment at UQ. I like the capacity building for future generations. I have found the students and staff here are engaged. ‘’

Professor Singleton said students and researchers needed to consider how their work and the language they used would translate in countries with vastly different cultures, ideologies and value systems.

UQ was the perfect place to begin his quest to build bridges between universities from around the world, he said.

``UQ is different in terms of the language and terminology used and the people’s world views. What they have in common with other places is their passion.

``I have come in with a global perspective. I hope to build capacity for students to do research and go on exchanges. I am looking forward to working at UQ in building capacity in scholarship in the area of lesiure, tourism and sport management.

``Universities need to make more global connections, allowing a closer working between researchers and students.

``We are going to experience more diverse cultural influences. Australia will, in 30 years, have a lot more cultural diversity than it does now. There will be much more tourism and leisure consumption.’’

Professor Singleton has worked at universities in Florida, North Carolina and Ontario, as well as earning a fellowship from the World Demographic Association based in Switzerland.

Media: Shane Pegg (0421 633 485) or Erik de Wit (0417 088 772)