14 January 2010

It might sound like a big night out, but Liquid Laughter has a more serious side. Just ask Sonya Trout.

The student from The University of Queensland’s School of Tourism has been involved in planning Liquid Laughter with Camp Quality staff.

Miss Trout has been busy signing up restaurants and cafés for the program, which urges diners to donate a gold coin for every jug of water on their table.

She said the program aimed to raise $15,000 for Camp Quality, allowing the charity to bring optimism and happiness to the lives of children affected by cancer through fun therapy.

It was a major task for Miss Trout, who joined Camp Quality for some experience in the workforce while studying event management, international hotel and tourism management.

"I went to a volunteer’s expo, looking for work experience placement. I was talking to someone from Camp Quality. They said their needed help, so I volunteered,’’ she said.

"I really like the organisation’s fun environment. Fun therapy is what we live by. I have had such a great experience here. Everyone is so welcoming.’’

The experience had made Miss Trout think about staying in the charity field.

"Originally I wanted to go into the arts and cultural field. If I could do that in conjunction with a not-for-profit organisation, that could be worthwhile.

"They need so much help at Camp Quality and it is such a great cause. I love what they are doing.’’

Cafés in dining precincts such as Oxford St, Bulimba were taking up the challenge and signing up to Liquid Laughter, Miss Trout said.

Restaurants and cafés signing up for Liquid Laughter were asked to be part of the campaign for at least a month and given the choice of when to introduce it.

Visit http://www.campquality.org.au/public/my-locals/south-queensland/our-fundraising-events/liquid-laughter.aspx

Media: Erik de Wit (0417 088 772). Photo available.