21 July 2009

The University of Queensland’s leaders in economics will present a fresh take on the future of economics to approximately 600 high school students on Thursday, July 23.

The students from South East Queensland will attend a series of presentations on a range of economics topics.

They include:

• The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Australia’s Trade and Economic Performance by Dr Fabrizio Carmignani;
• Dating and Marriage – what’s love got to do with it by Dr James Laurenceson;
• The Global Financial Crisis and Australia’s Fiscal Policy Response by Dr Bruce Littleboy; and
• Globalisation: Crises and Crunches with Mr Alan Duhs.

School of Economics Lectures Mr Duhs said that economists had long known that not everyone would benefit from globalisation and economic liberalisation.

His address will provide a critique of globalisation with a focus on the current global financial crisis. He will discuss whether it reflects a failure on the part of free markets or governments, and what the economics discipline should take from the experience.

Head of UQ's School of Economics Professor Flavio Menezes will inspire classroom discussion and debate on the crucial topic of Climate Change and Australia’s Emissions Trading Scheme.

The presentations will allow students to understand the diversity of an economics career, to speak with teachers in economics and to visit the world-class facilities and St Lucia campus of The University of Queensland.

Media: James Mepham, Marketing and External Relations Officer, UQ School of Economics 07 3365 4482