12 June 2009

A group of expert panellists and ordinary Australians will ponder the question - Should Fatty Foods be Taxed? – at The University of Queensland on June 13.

The gathering, Australia’s first Concise Community Consensus Conference, will bring together five expert panellists and 16 members of the public for a day of intense debate and discussion.

Increasing obesity rates in Australia have triggered debate about imposing a tax on high-fat foods.

Australian Federation Fellow Professor John Quiggin, from UQ's School of Economics, will discuss economic implications of the proposed tax.

“There is something to be said for taxing vice products, but there are also many consequences to consider,” Professor Quiggin said.

Obesity is a complex issue with a number of associated health and economic impacts.

The idea of taxing fatty foods to curb consumption is often compared to the taxes already imposed on products such as tobacco and alcohol.

President of the Queensland Council of Social Service, Karyn Walsh, will ask panellists to consider the social impacts of taxing food items.

“It’s important to think about how this tax will affect the average Australian. Do we really want to impose another tax on those who are already hit the hardest?” Ms Walsh said.

Senior medical researcher and nutritionist, Dr Ingrid Hickman, will bring to the discussion a medical expert’s perspective of the issue.

“Heart disease and type II diabetes are on the rise, and the impact of obesity-related diseases on the health care system is concerning. But is a tax really the answer?” Dr Hickman said.

The five expert panellists guiding and informing the discussion will be:

• Dr Ingrid Hickman; Senior Medical Researcher, Princess Alexandra Hospital
• Dr Dave Rooney; Senior Lecturer, UQ School of Business
• Professor John Quiggin; Economist and Blogger
• Ms Karyn Walsh; President of Queensland Council of Social Service
• Ms Kate Carnell, CEO, Australian Food and Grocery Council

The event will be held at The University of Queensland in GPN 4, Room 219 from 10am to 2pm on June 13. Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

For more information and directions to the venue, please visit www.chew-the-fat.info

Media: Lyndsey Hannigan (0450 457 966) or Dr John Harrison (j.harrison@uq.edu.au)