10 June 2009

Anxiety is the most common psychological complaint experienced by children and adolescents. It can lead to significant social and academic difficulties and often increases the risk of youth developing other psychiatric disorders.

A new Triple P parenting program has been developed to target anxiety in children. Triple P for Anxiety is seeking families with a child between the age of 7 to 14 who are currently experiencing fears, to take part in this landmark research.

Your family has the opportunity to undergo a thorough psychological assessment and treatment process. Parents will participate in a six-week group program, which will be run weekly and is of 90 minutes duration. The program will be held at the UQ St Lucia Campus.

Currently, the program is offered free of charge as part of a research project. It will be supervised by Dr Vanessa Cobham, a well-known child anxiety researcher and Professor Matthew Sanders, who developed Triple P.

Those interested in participating, or who would like more information, can contact the project co-ordinator Jaya Valvoi on 3365 7307 or 0401 518 299 or j.valvoi@psy.uq.edu.au.