28 May 2009

UQ engineering alumnus Simon Bartlett has been named Australia's Professional Electrical Engineer of the Year 2009 by Engineers Australia.

Mr Bartlett, the Chief Operating Officer for Powerlink Queensland, received the award in recognition of his excellent technical, managerial and leadership skills as an electrical engineer.

In announcing the award, the Chair of Engineers Australia’s Electrical College Board, Albert Koenig, highlighted Mr Bartlett’s contribution to the electrical engineering profession.

"For over 35 years, Simon Bartlett has been the initiator and driving force behind a range of new technologies and innovative design, maintenance and work practices in the Queensland electricity supply industry," Mr Koenig said.

"His outstanding engineering skills, strategic thinking and leadership of significant engineering workforces has drawn the highest respect across Australia and internationally, and his advice is highly regarded across government, universities and key stakeholders across the electricity industry.

"Simon is a passionate promoter of the engineering profession and engineering education and consistently makes the time to mentor engineering graduates and to reinforce the critical value of continuing professional development throughout a career."

Mr Bartlett completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering with Honours) in 1973 and a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Computing) in 1976, both at The University of Queensland.

Over the course of his career, he has held senior executive positions in both the corporate and government sectors and was awarded the Certificate of Special Commendation for Outstanding Leadership in Cyclone Larry Relief Effort by the Prime Minister and Premier of Queensland in 2006.

As the Chief Operating Officer for Powerlink, Mr Bartlett is responsible for managing and coordinating all aspects of high voltage electricity transmission including 12,000 kilometres of transmission lines and more than 100 major substations across Queensland.

The annual award not only recognises professional excellence of an individual senior electrical engineer but is also an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution the engineering profession makes to the community and encourage young people to pursue a career in electrical engineering.

Media: For more information about the award and Engineers Australia contact John Bright (jbright@engineersaustralia.org.au)

For more information about UQ Engineering contact Alice Walker at the Faculty of EAIT (a.walker1@uq.edu.au or 07 3346 7696)