The Sir Llew Edwards Building
The Sir Llew Edwards Building
30 April 2009

A new $54 million building has become the Sir Llew Edwards Building in honour of The University of Queensland’s recently-retired Chancellor.

UQ’s governing Senate rebadged "General Purpose North 4" in recognition of Sir Llew's highly distinguished service as a member of Senate for almost 25 years, including nearly 16 years as Chancellor.

The building, officially opened in July 2008, includes a world-first Advanced Concept Teaching Space, a collaborative teaching and learning space, and the Institute for Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ).

Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield said the building had become one of the most recognisable new structures on the St Lucia Campus in a matter of months.

"The Sir Llew Edwards Building makes a statement about at least two of Sir Llew’s great passions: international education; and teaching and learning," he said.

"Sir Llew made enduring friendships with international students when he was a medical student here in the 1960s, and during his term as Chancellor he has continued to make and renew friendships with alumni living all over the world."

Sir Llew paid tribute to the people responsible for maintaining UQ’s buildings and grounds "with beauty, charm and absolute elegance".

He urged UQ staff to "continue feeling that every student who comes here is possibly the best student we've ever had".

Sir Llew has been an electrician, medical practitioner and Queensland Parliamentarian (including Health Minister, and Deputy Premier and Treasurer).

He was Executive Chair of World Expo 88 in Brisbane.

His terms as UQ Senator and Chancellor were voluntary, and ended with his retirement in February.

As UQ's 12th Chancellor he chaired more than 100 Senate meetings, presided at almost 300 graduation ceremonies, and shook hands with about 80,000 graduates - almost half of the University’s living graduates.

The V-shaped Sir Llew Edwards Building is at the junction of Campbell Road and University Drive. It has strong environmental features including water harvesting, solar panels and strategic shading.

Media: Fiona Kennedy 07 3365 1384 or Jan King 07 3365 1120.