Professor Philip Davies
Professor Philip Davies
30 March 2009

The former Deputy Secretary of the Australian Government’s Department of Health and Ageing, Philip Davies, will join The University of Queensland’s School of Population Health as Professor of Health Systems and Policy.

Professor Davies will join the School in mid-April, taking on academic leadership of the School’s postgraduate and undergraduate teaching in health systems.

The Head of UQ's School of Population Health, Professor Alan Lopez, said that Professor Davies brought outstanding experience and credentials in health systems, which had emerged as a major concern for governments working within strict fiscal constraints.

“Health systems performance is becoming more important for government policy and expenditure, with governments increasingly looking for ways to make health systems more efficient,” Professor Lopez said.

“Philip’s background as the Deputy Secretary of DoHA means he is intimately familiar with the issues and opportunities for health system strengthening, as well as the organisation and management of health systems.

“He is well-placed to lead the School’s health systems agenda and forge new academic partnerships both in Australia and overseas.”

Professor Davies joined the Department of Health and Ageing in 2002 and is credited with playing a lead role in establishing the National Health Call Centre and Primary Care Collaboratives program; establishing the Commonwealth’s National Blood Authority; and leading the health care component of the Northern Territory intervention.

He also led the Australian Government’s work in the field of e-health, serving as a member of the Steering Group for the development of the National E-health Strategy, and chaired the Pacific Senior Health Officials Network, an AusAID-funded initiative to foster collaboration and mutual support among senior officials working in national health administrations across the Pacific.

Prior to joining DoHA, Professor Davies’ international career in health care policy and management included roles as a health-care management consultant and partner with Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers), Deputy Director-General of the New Zealand Ministry of Health and senior health economist with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Professor Davies said he was impressed by the School of Population Health’s "dynamic growth and excellent reputation" and was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to its ongoing success.

“I have always been a strong advocate for evidence-based policy, while also believing it is important for students and researchers to have a good understanding of the realities of policymaking and how government works," he said.

“I see my appointment as a clear demonstration of UQ’s commitment to strengthening the important links between policy and research in the area of health care.”

Established in 2001 and part of UQ’s Faculty of Health Sciences, the School of Population Health is one of the region’s leading centres for public health research and teaching, with more than 2000 enrolments in its programs.

The School’s research programs attract significant research funding from the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), AusAID as well as organisations as diverse as the UK’s Wellcome Trust, Atlantic Philanthropies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Media: Professor Philip Davies,, 0411 135 765.
Professor Alan Lopez,, 07 3365 5280.
Vanessa Mannix Coppard (Communications),, 042 420 7771