11 November 2008

With a large number of baby boomers about to retire from the public service, the need for skilled policy and governance specialists has never been greater.

To meet the rising demand for skills and practitioners in a number of key policy areas, UQ’s postgraduate coursework programs in governance and public policy have been enhanced and updated for 2009.

The restructured programs provide students with the opportunity to specialise in a wider array of courses in priority areas including public health, resource management, public management and governance and development.

“We are seeing a shortage of skills in these areas across government and a need for such skills will only increase as issues such as climate change and ageing populations begin to bite,” Program Director Professor Stephen Bell said.

Professor Bell said the international community faced a range of unprecedented challenges including climate change and economic insecurity, which required sound and innovative policy solutions by governments.

“As we are witnessing in the current global environment, governance and public policy play an important part in people’s lives whether they are aware of it or not. There is no area of modern economic or social life which is untouched by government policy,” Professor Bell said.

With their international focus, UQ’s governance and policy programs are enjoying increased enrolments from public servants from countries including India, Sri Lanka and Singapore.

“With this in mind, the coursework programs within the School of Political Science and International Studies offer students important skills to tackle some of these challenges and to take a leadership role on these issues," Professor Bell said.

The postgraduate coursework programs are offered at certificate, diploma and masters level.

For more on the key fields of study available, visit www.uq.edu.au/polsis or contact the Student Enquiries Officer on 07 3346 9544.

Media: Naomi Smith at POLSIS (07 3365 1524, naomi.smith@uq.edu.au) or Cameron Pegg at UQ Communications (07 3365 2049, c.pegg@uq.edu.au)