15 October 2008

UQ’s TC Beirne School of Law mooting team has won the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) National Mooting competition for 2008.

The team of Stewart Webster, Dominique Mayo and Gerowyn Lyons defeated The University of Notre Dame in the grand final before the AAT in Sydney on October 8.

Stewart Webster was also awarded the prize for best oralist.

The Honourable Justice Annabelle Bennett AO, Presidential Member and an adjudicator in the grand final, complemented the team members on their performance.

Justice Bennett said they displayed a masterful grasp of the Citizenship Act and were in command of all the relevant facts bearing on the merits of the case as reported by Dr Peter Billings.

The team was consistent throughout the competition's six rounds leading up to the final and was praised by every AAT member it appeared before, including the Deputy President.

At each stage the students were required to familiarise themselves with different areas of law that come within the AAT’s jurisdiction, such as social security law, employment law, veteran’s entitlements and tax administration.

The Law School has entered teams in national and international moot competitions for many years and with coaching from academic staff within the Law School and the School’s mooting alumni, UQ teams have been unrivalled in their achievements.

Media: Tina Vasiljevic, TC Beirne School of Law communications and external relations officer ( 07 3346 9350)