30 September 2008

A team of UQ chemical and metallurgical engineering students has recently returned from a South American field trip to some of the world’s largest mining and minerals processing plants.

Ten final-year students spent two weeks in Chile inspecting large-scale mining and metallurgical operations and interacting with experienced professional engineers and operations personnel.

Trip co-ordinator and student David Jeffery said the purpose of the tour was to experience engineering work in the minerals industry first-hand.

“It was the perfect chance for us to gain experience through exposure to large-scale operations with modern process technology and also get some international perspectives on the minerals industry,” Mr Jeffery said.

The tour included seven site visits to process operations in the Atacama Desert region of Chile as well as a visit to the newly established BHP Mineralogy Research Centre at the University of Antofagasta.

While there, the students met with Mr Eddie Paul, a 2007 UQ engineering graduate now working as a metallurgist with BHP at Escondida.

Participating UQ metallurgical engineering staff member Mr Sante Di Pasquale said meeting a recent graduate was a great inspiration for the students.

“We were all really impressed with how Eddie has developed professionally since he has been working in Chile,” Mr Di Pasquale said.

“It’s exciting to know that UQ engineering graduates are well prepared to take up positions anywhere in the world.”

The students also spent three days working on engineering projects at the Xstrata Lomas Bayas operation, a world leader in the production of copper from low-grade mineral resources.

Managers and senior engineers held discussions with the group about plant design, operating and control philosophies, sustainability and other issues pertinent to the Chilean and global minerals industries.

The students themselves were responsible for organising the trip and securing significant sponsorship from companies and organisations involved in the minerals industry.

Upon returning to Brisbane, the group held a presentation evening to discuss their experiences with industry representatives and to thank them for their generous sponsorship.

Third-year students are already planning their 2009 trip with other overseas destinations in mind.

Media: Kim Jensen at UQ Engineering (07 3346 9976, k.jensen@uq.edu.au)