8 July 2008

The University of Queensland's Ipswich Campus will host around 400 senior school students next week at the annual Engaging Business Conference.

The conference, now in its sixth year, will give year 11 and 12 students an insight into university life and the finer points of contemporary business practice.

For the senior students attending from 16 local and regional high schools, the conference will help guide students as they prepare to make decisions about future career and study pathways.

The UQ Business School is hosting the event on Thursday, July 17 and Friday, July 18 with a special series of lectures designed to introduce students to the exciting world of business and university life.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Alan Rix welcomed the opportunity for high school students to experience university first-hand and to strengthen ties with the Ipswich community.

"The conference provides high school students the exciting opportunity to learn about the world of business and gain an insight of what it�s like to be a student at UQ," Prof Rix said.

Lecturers from the UQ Business School and guest representatives of the Certified Practising Accountants (CPA Australia) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA) will present a series of seminars covering a diverse range of business topics taught at UQ Ipswich.

Lectures include issues that are relevant to a high school audience and demonstrate the broad spectrum of study offered by a business degree. Students can choose topics including business law, climate change, advertising and marketing, personal finance, trade unions and accounting.

Current UQ Ipswich students will act as conference guides, welcoming visitors to the campus while providing a realistic view of life at university.

Education Queensland sponsors the event as part of its "Expanding Horizons" program which encourages school students to pursue post-secondary education.

"The conference is a valuable opportunity for secondary students to gain an understanding of current business trends and developments in the contemporary global marketplace," Prof Rix said.

MEDIA: Contact Loretta Porche on 3381 1068 or email l.porche@uq.edu.au