13 June 2008

University of Queensland researchers are seeking volunteers who have regular colds to participate in a project.

Associate Professor Luis Vitetta from UQ's School of Medicine is investigating the effectiveness of Lactoferrin/Immunoglobulin (a protein found naturally in milk) in treating the common cold.

We are seeking people in good general health to participate our clinical trial. They need to have had two or more colds per year and be 18 years or older.

Participants will need to:

- Make three visits to Princess Alexandra Hospital. The visits include completing a questionnaire about your quality of life, physical activity, stress, diet and a recording of your blood pressure and weight. In the last visit, blood will be taken to measure full blood count, liver functions, serum urea, electrolytes and creatinine.
- Take Lactoferrin/Immunoglobulin or placebo daily for 90 days
- Record any symptoms of a cold during this time

Participants will be paid $50 for their involvement.

To participate or for more information, contact Sharon Du at 07 3240 5273, l.vitetta@uq.edu.au or uqsdu@uq.edu.au