14 January 2008

The University of Queensland has reinforced the importance of strong industry connections through the recent appointment of Industry Fellows.

The new position, approved by the University Senate in November, will be taken up by industry practitioners wishing to pass on their skills to students whilst continuing to advance their professional careers.

Instigated by Professor Tim Brailsford, Head of the UQ Business School, the Industry Fellow positions aim to recognise and formalise the valuable contribution made by many significant industry-based professionals.

"The School enjoys strong support from the Brisbane business community generally and there are a few key individuals who work with us very closely,” Professor Brailsford said.

"The Industry Fellows initiative is a way to acknowledge that contribution and recognise the value these stakeholders add to our School's business and the School community."

The Business School was the first to recruit staff to the position of Industry Fellow, and has so far confirmed six high-profile appointments, including well-known figure in corporate Australia, and founder of Budget Rent a Car, Bob Ansett.

Greg Latemore, Director of Latemore & Associates; Stewart Gow, Director of the Venture Capital Unit within the Queensland Government; and Bob Scheuber, ex-CEO of Queensland Rail will also take up the newly developed position.

Tessa Raeburn and Phillip Keslake, founders of Raeburn Keslake, one of the world’s most successful change consultancies, are on board as well.

Industry Fellow appointments are made by Heads of Schools and will be based on the potential contribution of the individual, as opposed to academic qualifications.

Unlike the position of Adjunct Professor, Industry Fellows may be paid for work performed for the University, but will not normally be awarded an academic title, such as Lecturer or Professor.

Adjunct Professors, however, typically hold a PhD, are experts in their field, but are not financially rewarded for their contribution to the University.

Industry Fellows may be employed on a casual basis and will work across a range of areas including lecturing, preparing materials and co-supervising postgraduate projects or theses.

Media inquiries: Cathy Stacey (3365 6179, c.stacey@business.uq.edu.au)